Foto Festa di PrimaveraThe Trisomia 21 APS Association was founded in 1979 by a group of families with a child with Down syndrome.

Our activity developed from a collaboration between parents, professionals and volunteers, which arose to share each other’s experiences and support the development of their children, facing common difficulties together.

Over the years we have activated many services and in 2009 we moved into our new premises in Viale Volta, Florence, where we manage all our activities and services in our Centre for the habilitative development of people with Down syndrome and other similar genetic intellectual disabilities.

In 2014, we inaugurated a flat adjacent to the association’s headquarters, in Viale Volta, intended for independent living experimentation activities for our young people and adults.

Also in 2014, we created the social enterprise Trisomia 21 srl for the management of restaurant and catering activities, to give more training and employment opportunities to our young people.

In 2015, Trisomia 21 APS and Trisomia 21 SRL, with the support of Unicoop Firenze, opened the Milleluci Cafè, in Piazza Leopoldo, to give professionalisation and job placement opportunities to young people with Down syndrome and similar genetic disabilities.

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